rechargable batteries for uninterruptible power supply

something like this, I meant

digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // close the circuit, now A1 gets battery voltage
delay(500);  // give relais some time
int measure_voltage = analogRead(A1);  // now read the voltage

voltage divider factor = 220/1220 = 0.18
Battery full: [b]9V[/b]; 9V *0.18 = 1.62V; 1.62V *1023/5V = 331 (=measure_voltage)
Now map(0,331,0,1000) (ca. multiply with 3, but there is an arduino function called map) and get 0.1% steps (promille) of battery voltage

int battery_voltage = map(measure_voltage,0,331,0,1000)

What do you think, good idea?