New optiboot; beta testers welcome...

Thanks for the explanations. For me the new bootloader seems to be working fine. I have also tested it with ArduinoISP, without disabling auto-reset.

  • Compiled under Windows-7 64-bit with the IDE v0022 tools
  • Uploaded optiboot_atmega328.hex to an Arduino Uno, via Optifix running on another Uno
  • Uploaded optiboot_atmega328.hex to an Arduino Uno, via IDE and ArduinoISP running on another Uno
  • Uploaded optiboot_atmega328.hex to a 5v 16MHz Ardunio Pro
  • Uploaded optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex to a 3.3v 8MHz Ardunio Pro
  • All boards now report Firmware Version: 4.4 to AVRdude, and correctly accept sketch uploads from the IDE

The 8MHz and 16MHz Pro boards were tested using an FTDI USB-to-serial interface. As with previous version of Optiboot, for the 8MHz boards I needed to reduce the baud rate to 57600 in the Makefile and in boards.txt.