MS5541 depth sensor communication

Hi all,
I wrapped up the code and commented it out. To close the case I will post a sketch to read out all calibration words and one which shows how to include the extracted calibration factors into a sketch to avoid reading these constants all the time while using the sensor in whatever application.

 MS5541 Pressure Sensor calwords readout
 This program will read your MS5441 or compatible pressure sensor every 5 seconds and show you the calibration words, the calibration factors, 
 the raw values and the compensated values of temperature and pressure.
 Once you read out the calibration factors you can define them in the header of any sketch you write for the sensor.
 MS5541 sensor attached to pins 10 - 13:
 MOSI: pin 11
 MISO: pin 12
 SCK: pin 13
 MCLK: pin 9
 CS is not in use, but might be pin 10
 created August 2011
 by SMStrauch based on application note AN510 from (, 
 and with help of robtillaart and ulrichard. Thanks!

// include library:
#include <SPI.h>

// generate a MCKL signal pin
const int clock = 9;

void resetsensor() //this function keeps the sketch a little shorter

void setup() {
  SPI.begin(); //see SPI library details on for details
  SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV32); //divide 16 MHz to communicate on 500 kHz
  pinMode(clock, OUTPUT);

void loop() 
  TCCR1B = (TCCR1B & 0xF8) | 1 ; //generates the MCKL signal
  analogWrite (clock, 128) ; 

  resetsensor();//resets the sensor - caution: afterwards mode = SPI_MODE0!

  //Calibration word 1
  unsigned int result1 = 0;
  unsigned int inbyte1 = 0;
  SPI.transfer(0x1D); //send first byte of command to get calibration word 1
  SPI.transfer(0x50); //send second byte of command to get calibration word 1
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
  result1 = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of word
  result1 = result1 << 8; //shift returned byte 
  inbyte1 = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of word
  result1 = result1 | inbyte1; //combine first and second byte of word
  Serial.print("Calibration word 1 =");

  resetsensor();//resets the sensor

  //Calibration word 2; see comments on calibration word 1
  unsigned int result2 = 0;
  byte inbyte2 = 0; 
  result2 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result2 = result2 <<8;
  inbyte2 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result2 = result2 | inbyte2;
  Serial.print("Calibration word 2 =");

  resetsensor();//resets the sensor

  //Calibration word 3; see comments on calibration word 1
  unsigned int result3 = 0;
  byte inbyte3 = 0;
  result3 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result3 = result3 <<8;
  inbyte3 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result3 = result3 | inbyte3;
  Serial.print("Calibration word 3 =");

  resetsensor();//resets the sensor

  //Calibration word 4; see comments on calibration word 1
  unsigned int result4 = 0;
  byte inbyte4 = 0;
  result4 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result4 = result4 <<8;
  inbyte4 = SPI.transfer(0x00);
  result4 = result4 | inbyte4;
  Serial.print("Calibration word 4 =");

  //now we do some bitshifting to extract the calibration factors 
  //out of the calibration words; read datasheet AN510 for better understanding
  long c1 = result1 >> 3 & 0x1FFF;
  long c2 = ((result1 & 0x07) << 10) | ((result2 >> 6) & 0x03FF);
  long c3 = (result3 >> 6) & 0x03FF;
  long c4 = (result4 >> 7) & 0x07FF;
  long c5 = ((result2 & 0x003F) << 6) | (result3 & 0x003F);
  long c6 = result4 & 0x007F;


  resetsensor();//resets the sensor

  unsigned int tempMSB = 0; //first byte of value
  unsigned int tempLSB = 0; //last byte of value
  unsigned int D2 = 0;
  SPI.transfer(0x0F); //send first byte of command to get temperature value
  SPI.transfer(0x20); //send second byte of command to get temperature value
  delay(35); //wait for conversion end
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
  tempMSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of value
  tempMSB = tempMSB << 8; //shift first byte
  tempLSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of value
  D2 = tempMSB | tempLSB; //combine first and second byte of value
  Serial.print("Temperature raw =");
  Serial.println(D2); //voilá!

  resetsensor();//resets the sensor

  unsigned int presMSB = 0; //first byte of value
  unsigned int presLSB =0; //last byte of value
  unsigned int D1 = 0;
  SPI.transfer(0x0F); //send first byte of command to get pressure value
  SPI.transfer(0x40); //send second byte of command to get pressure value
  delay(35); //wait for conversion end
  SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //change mode in order to listen
  presMSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read first byte of value
  presMSB = presMSB << 8; //shift first byte
  presLSB = SPI.transfer(0x00); //send dummy byte to read second byte of value
  D1 = presMSB | presLSB; //combine first and second byte of value
  Serial.print("Pressure raw =");

  //calculation of the real values by means of the calibration factors and the maths
  //in the datasheet. const MUST be long
  const long UT1 = (c5 << 3) + 10000;
  const long dT = D2 - UT1;
  const long TEMP = 200 + ((dT * (c6 + 100)) >> 11);
  const long OFF  = c2 + (((c4 - 250) * dT) >> 12) + 10000;
  const long SENS = (c1/2) + (((c3 + 200) * dT) >> 13) + 3000;
  long PCOMP = (SENS * (D1 - OFF) >> 12) + 1000;
  float TEMPREAL = TEMP/10;

  Serial.print("Real Temperature in °C=");

  Serial.print("Compensated pressure in mbar =");

  //2nd order compensation only for T > 0°C
  const long dT2 = dT - ((dT >> 7 * dT >> 7) >> 3);
  const float TEMPCOMP = (200 + (dT2*(c6+100) >>11))/10;
  Serial.print("2nd order compensated temperature in °C =");


PS: Un-voided the resetsensor call as of today, Nov 25 2011.