WString.cpp is implementing undefined functions

Trying to compile a arduino project in Eclipse I found 5 Bugs in WString.cpp (or in WString.h?)
The declaration of the methods in WString.h is
unsigned char endsWith( const String &suffix ) const;
unsigned char equals( const String &anObject ) const;
unsigned char equalsIgnoreCase( const String &anotherString ) const;
unsigned char startsWith( const String &prefix ) const;
unsigned char startsWith( const String &prefix, unsigned int toffset ) const;
where in WString.cpp it is implemented as
boolean String::endsWith( const String &s2 ) const
boolean String::equals( const String &s2 ) const
boolean String::equalsIgnoreCase( const String &s2 ) const
boolean String::startsWith( const String &s2 ) const
boolean String::startsWith( const String &s2, unsigned int offset ) const

Not a big deal as unsigned char and boolean end up to be a byte, but it is at least dirty 8).
Best regards and keep up the good work :smiley: