Line Following Robot Help ..

int motor_left = 22;
int motor_right = 24;
int sensor_left = 26;
int sensor1 = 28;
int sensor2 = 30;
int sensor_right = 32;
void setup ()
pinMode(motor_left, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor_right, OUTPUT);
pinMode(sensor_left, INPUT);
pinMode(sensor1, INPUT);
pinMode(sensor2, INPUT);
pinMode(sensor_right, INPUT);
void loop()
if (sensor_left == LOW && sensor1 == HIGH && sensor2 == HIGH && sensor_right == LOW)
digitalWrite(motor_left, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor_right, HIGH);
if (sensor_left == LOW && sensor1 == LOW && sensor2 == HIGH && sensor_right == HIGH
digitalWrite(motor_left, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor_right, LOW);
if (sensor_left == HIGH && sensor1 == HIGH && sensor2 == LOW && sensor_right == LOW)
digitalWrite(motor_left, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor_right, HIGH);

There are some error ..
Plz Remove these error

As I'm having to guess at what the errors might be, I'd say you have a ) missing at the end of the second if statement. You also have an extra { and a missing }.

after copying your code and clicking verify I was informed of the following errors:

a missing ), an extra {, and a missing }

After correcting the errors found by clicking verify, the code compiled, however as I don't have a circuit diagram, etc for your robot, I do not know if this will do as you are expecting.

for example what happens if all the senors are low or high?

Missing code tags too.
Those constants could do to be const, also.

Apart from the syntax errors, you also are not reading the digital sensor pins.
The "if" statements aren't going to do anything useful - e.g. this snippet:

if (sensor_left == LOW

compares 26 (the value of sensor_left) with LOW and it will always fail.

I assume that what you mean is:

if (digitalRead(sensor_left) == LOW

Fix up this and the other sensor readings and things might start working better.
