Ethernet Shield Unreliable?

I've given up on these patches, instead I 'pulled' the central repository off github and a am applying the patches to my own copy, but only after testing each one, then merging in my own patches.

There is another 'stupid' bug in w5100.cpp:

for (int i=0; i<MAX_SOCK_NUM; i++) {
    SBASE[i] = TXBUF_BASE + SSIZE * i;
    RBASE[i] = RXBUF_BASE + RSIZE * i;

If people READ the chips data sheet they would see that it takes 10ms for the chip to 'software' reset (W5100 V1.2.4 P.64), as such the code should be:

  // Issue a software reset to the W5100 chip.
  //wait 100ms for the chip to physically reset(it takes 10ms but manufacturer request 100ms). 
  // Continue with the setup of the internal registers.

fortunately the W5100 chip has some default values, so as the reset is stamping on them, they are being reinitialized to the default,
There may be a chance this bug is stamping on the setting up of the sockets.....

I'm still trying to get an answer back off the manufacturer as to *if the RST bit is 'testable' because if it was, then I would drop in a subroutine, both BEFORE & after the reset, (which would negate the need for the stupid delay(300):wink:
With a TESTABLE state that could be returned up the stack. Currently when initializing a library on the arduino they mostly return 'void'.