7920 controller not found in GLCD library?

I have purchased recently a 128x64 display named JN12864J obviously with a different controller than the KS108 stuff.
Controller is a Sitronix 7920 ([/http://www.dfrobot.com/image/data/FIT0021/ST7920.pdf ]).
Pinout is app type B with main difference that only one CS is needed and NOT 2 (CS1,CS2) as on KS0108.
Would it be possible to use/change standard library GLCD to this type of interface or is it so much different that it would be overwhelming?
I intend to use it in parallel mode.

I think its already been done, we were having a discussion about the st7920 here: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,87474.30.html
Not sure on the modes supported.

Are you using it in 8-bit parallel mode, if 4-bit use serial instead. 8-bit Parallel is only really useful if you intend to read the LCD ram, 4-bit is wasteful and serial is fast but only one way.

I'm developing a circuit that will allow serial connection to this display in read and write mode, just got some vigorous testing to do.

Also this topic is currently active ( u8glib ): http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,91395.0.html