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Install on MEPIS

Arduino installation on Linux MEPIS is quite simple. On a DSL/ISDN connection, you're looking at maybe five minutes, depending on your system configuration.

Install OpenJDK 7

To begin, enter a terminal or shell, then type:

su -c 'apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk' root

and provide the root password when prompted. This will download and install OpenJDK as root, which has permissions to install software. When it asks, type Y and press Enter to continue. Wait for it to finish, then move on.

Install the Arduino IDE

This is nearly the same as before, with only one little difference: where before we installed openjdk-7-jdk we now want to install the Arduino IDE. So, this time type:

su -c 'apt-get install arduino' root

The rest is the same.

Add Your User to the Dialout Group

This allows you to communicate via a serial port (which should follow the format /dev/ttyACMx, where x is a number arbitrarily assigned by the system). Type:

su -c 'usermod -aG dialout <username>' root

where <username> is your username.

Check to Confirm Your New Group

This is optional, but quite simple. Type:


and you should see something like

<username> dialout

If not, repeat the previous step.

Select Your Serial Port

Plug in your Arduino board. Open the Arduino IDE in the GUI and click Tools -> Serial Ports -> /dev/ttyACMx. Unless you have more than one serial device plugged in, there will only be one entry in the list to choose from.

Congratulations! You're ready to go!

A Quick Note about su -c

The accepted convention is to use sudo. However, sudo requires you be a member of the sudoers group. (You could also edit the supplementary files the sudoers file reads from, but this is highly NOT recommended.) su without the -c option will not accept a command to pass to the root shell, but will instead login to the root account. This can be dangerous, so I recommend using su -c or (if you're already a member of the sudoers group or have an administrator handy) sudo.

solcintra_jack February 05, 2013, at 02:52 PM