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Puppy Linux

Information on installing into Puppy500 and Puppy528 at:

An alternative for 5.28 by Ty Tower Note I have not gotten this to work for 5.3 Slacko only 5.28

20/1/2013 UPDATE by Ty Tower........In Puppy Precise 5.4.2 I have used Arduino Version 1.0.3 and they say the messy downloads are not required .I think this is because the new Atmel tool chain has them included see

You must have java JRE the java runtime environment. At this time there is no java ".sfs" that I have seen for 5.4.2 so you may get the java JRE here ,it installs in /usr/bin/ on mine and you must change your PATH in your profile to use it. Go to /etc/.profile and find "PATH=" line and add "/usr/java/jre1.6.0_38/bin/:" into the line.Save Please note the menues don't seem to work with 1.7 java but with 1.6 they are useable so I use 1.6.

. Then get Arduino 1.0.3 It installs in / I moved the whole lot to /opt/ .Open the Arduino dir and drag the file "arduino" onto your desktop. You can edit the desktop icon to put the Arduino icon there .It is in /arduino/reference/img Reboot.