Arduino Education Inspiration Labs

Extend STEAM learning beyond the classroom!

 What is an Inspiration Lab?
What is an Inspiration Lab?

An Arduino Education Inspiration Lab is a dedicated space, whether that’s in a school, university, business, or other institution, that provides innovative, exciting STEAM learning opportunities and certifications.

In an Inspiration Lab, you can hold specialized STEAM courses for students, teacher training and professional development, and one-off workshops or projects. You could even open the lab to the public so that they too can learn about Arduino Education solutions, extend their STEAM knowledge - and have fun!

Even more than that, an Inspiration Lab promotes the UN’s fourth sustainable development goal of inclusive and equitable education and lifelong learning opportunities for all, and supports career-based and professional skills development.

Benefits of creating an Inspiration Lab

Now more than ever, educators are seeking new ways to reach and engage students in STEAM subjects. An Inspiration Lab can:

Provide students with the skills they need to get career-ready

Increase engagement in STEAM learning

Boost students’ future skills, such as problem-solving, collaboration, and critical thinking

Support and train educators to deliver engaging, hands-on, playful STEAM lessons with confidence

Promote a culture of technology innovation and development

Provide mentorship and certification programs for educators and students

Develop design thinking, product design, and innovation skills

What educators say about Inspiration Labs
What educators say about Inspiration Labs

"Students can do things they thought were impossible!

Strong to have a lab where both students and teachers can get support and inspiration.

Teachers get an opportunity to teach about the world around them with technologies."

Anthony Jacques

Arduino Education Inspiration Lab Manager

How do Inspiration Labs work?
How do Inspiration Labs work?

An Inspiration Lab is a space for schools, teachers, and educators to collaborate, connect, share success, and seek support.

You can host classes, teacher training sessions, professional development courses, and workshops in a space that’s set up with complete Arduino Education solutions and run by people who we’ll train to use and teach with Arduino products.

Additionally, having an Inspiration Lab helps you connect with your local community and establish a creative hub where anyone can get hands-on with technology and drive their own STEAM learning.

Contact us to find out more on how to create an Inspiration Lab

Because an Inspiration Lab is completely customized to your needs, there isn’t a fixed cost as it will depend on the size of your space, the quantity of Arduino Education solutions you need, your training requirements, and more.