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Cookie Policy

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are stored and then retransmitted to the same sites on subsequent visits.

Cookies used by site

Cookies used by the Site and their purpose. The site uses cookies, which have the function of allowing the proper functioning of some sections, for example, to access the private area of the website ("Strictly Necessary cookies"), to ensure certain customization features ("functional cookies"), to improve the browsing experience ("analytical cookies") and to help us to offer you personalized recommendations of products that you might like ("profiling cookies"). The first time you visit the website, you will be asked to accept (or not accept) cookies through a banner. You will be able to refuse to accept all or some cookies or you will be able to modify, also at a later date, the settings of your computer in order to know when you receive cookies or to be able to disable the function of automatic acceptance of cookies. The Website uses the following categories of cookies:

The website uses the following cookies categories:

  • Strictly Necessary cookies (or browsing cookies), which contribute to the operation of the Website, for example, to allow you to browse between pages and access the private area of the Website; the legal basis for the processing underlying the use of these cookies is the interest of Arduino to provide efficient and well-functioning services to its customers; the retention period of these cookies starts from the date of first access to the website until they are disabled.

  • Measurement cookies, which allow to acquire statistical information in aggregate and anonymous form, relating to the browsing mode; the legal basis of the processing underlying the use of these cookies is the interest of Arduino to provide efficient and well-functioning services to its customers; the retention period of these cookies starts from the date on which they are enabled on the site until they are disabled, according to the information provided in the following list for each cookie. You may accept and disable – at your convenience – these cookies using the cookie management tool.

  • Targeting and advertising cookies, which allow us to customize advertisements according to your interests and preferences, in order to send you only advertisements that you may consider relevant or interesting. The legal basis for the processing underlying the use of these cookies is the consent of the data subject; the retention period of these cookies starts from the date on which they are enabled on the website until they are disabled, and in any case no longer than 12 months, according to the information provided in the following list for each cookie. You may accept and disable – at your convenience – these cookies using the cookie management tool.

List of Cookies

All strictly necessary cookies do not require prior consent and are therefore installed automatically upon accessing the Site, but they can be disabled as described in the following paragraph.

For other cookies, you can give your consent by clicking the acceptance button in the banner displayed on the homepage of the Site, "accept all," or you can request that the Site uses only strictly necessary cookies by clicking the corresponding "only necessary " button. You can revoke your consent at any time, in whole or in part, even through the relevant link indicated in the cookie list, or you can provide consent later.

How to deactivate technical cookies

You may deny your consent to the use of cookies through specific settings in your browser. Some features of the Website may not work properly if you do not use cookies.

Below you will find links explaining how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers (for other browsers you may wish to use, we suggest you look for this option in the help function of the software, normally available by clicking on the F1 button)

  • Internet Explorer: Click on the Tools button and then on Internet Options. Click on the Privacy tab and under Settings move the slider up to block all cookies

  • Google Chrome: Click on the menu in the browser toolbar. Select Settings. Click on Show advanced settings. In the "Privacy" section, click the Content Settings button. Turn off "Allow sites to save and read cookie data".

  • Mozilla Firefox: Click on the menu button and select Options. Select the Privacy panel. Under History Settings: select use custom settings. To enable cookies, flag Accept cookies from websites; to disable cookies unflag it.

  • Safari: Click on 'Safari' in the menu bar, then 'Preferences'. Now click on 'Privacy', then on 'Details' to select the site, then select 'Remove

Alternatively, you may disable only Google Analytics cookies, using the opt-out add-on provided by Google for major browsers

For more information on how Arduino processes your data, please refer to the privacy policy.