Arduino IoT Cloud References

Arduino’s secure, fast and reliable IoT infrastructure allows for quick prototyping to validate test cases and deployment of scalable, production-ready products.

The original all-in-one IoT platform
Open Protocol
Open Protocol

IoT Cloud builds on open industry applications and standards for data exchange, such as MQTT and SenML and provides Webhooks to easily integrate external services to implement your custom workflows.

Open API
Open API

IoT Cloud offers an open API and development tools which allow for quick development of your projects and extension of the platform using one of the most popular programming languages (JavaScript with Node.js, Python, Go). APIs are thoroughly documented and extended as new technological demands emerge in this fast moving industry segment.

IoT Library
IoT Library

The Arduino IoT Cloud Library is an open-source library built with security as its foundation. It implements a cryptographic chain of trust from the embedded hardware to servers using an X.509 certificate-based authentication. See more on GitHub.