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Sets the timeout for Wire transmissions in master mode.

Note: these timeouts are almost always an indication of an underlying problem, such as misbehaving devices, noise, insufficient shielding, or other electrical problems. These timeouts will prevent your sketch from locking up, but not solve these problems. In such situations there will often (also) be data corruption which doesn’t result in a timeout or other error and remains undetected. So when a timeout happens, it is likely that some data previously read or written is also corrupted. Additional measures might be needed to more reliably detect such issues (e.g. checksums or reading back written values) and recover from them (e.g. full system reset). This timeout and such additional measures should be seen as a last line of defence, when possible the underlying cause should be fixed instead.


Wire.setWireTimeout(timeout, reset_on_timeout)



  • timeout a timeout: timeout in microseconds, if zero then timeout checking is disabled

  • reset_on_timeout: if true then Wire hardware will be automatically reset on timeout

When this function is called without parameters, a default timeout is configured that should be sufficient to prevent lockups in a typical single-master configuration.



Example Code

#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
  #if defined(WIRE_HAS_TIMEOUT)
    Wire.setWireTimeout(3000 /* us */, true /* reset_on_timeout */);

byte x = 0;

void loop() {
  /* First, send a command to the other device */
  Wire.beginTransmission(8); // transmit to device #8
  Wire.write(123);           // send command
  byte error = Wire.endTransmission(); // run transaction
  if (error) {
    Serial.println("Error occurred when writing");
    if (error == 5)
      Serial.println("It was a timeout");


  /* Then, read the result */
  #if defined(WIRE_HAS_TIMEOUT)
  byte len = Wire.requestFrom(8, 1); // request 1 byte from device #8
  if (len == 0) {
    Serial.println("Error occurred when reading");
    #if defined(WIRE_HAS_TIMEOUT)
    if (Wire.getWireTimeoutFlag())
      Serial.println("It was a timeout");


Notes and Warnings

How this timeout is implemented might vary between different platforms, but typically a timeout condition is triggered when waiting for (some part of) the transaction to complete (e.g. waiting for the bus to become available again, waiting for an ACK bit, or maybe waiting for the entire transaction to be completed).

When such a timeout condition occurs, the transaction is aborted and endTransmission() or requestFrom() will return an error code or zero bytes respectively. While this will not resolve the bus problem by itself (i.e. it does not remove a short-circuit), it will at least prevent blocking potentially indefinitely and allow your software to detect and maybe solve this condition.

If reset_on_timeout was set to true and the platform supports this, the Wire hardware is also reset, which can help to clear any incorrect state inside the Wire hardware module. For example, on the AVR platform, this can be required to restart communications after a noise-induced timeout.

When a timeout is triggered, a flag is set that can be queried with getWireTimeoutFlag() and must be cleared manually using clearWireTimeoutFlag() (and is also cleared when setWireTimeout() is called).

Note that this timeout can also trigger while waiting for clock stretching or waiting for a second master to complete its transaction. So make sure to adapt the timeout to accommodate for those cases if needed. A typical timeout would be 25ms (which is the maximum clock stretching allowed by the SMBus protocol), but (much) shorter values will usually also work.

Portability Notes

This function was not available in the original version of the Wire library and might still not be available on all platforms. Code that needs to be portable across platforms and versions can use the WIRE_HAS_TIMEOUT macro, which is only defined when Wire.setWireTimeout(), Wire.getWireTimeoutFlag() and Wire.clearWireTimeout() are all available.

When this timeout feature was introduced on the AVR platform, it was initially kept disabled by default for compatibility, expecting it to become enabled at a later point. This means the default value of the timeout can vary between (versions of) platforms. The default timeout settings are available from the WIRE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT and WIRE_DEFAULT_RESET_WITH_TIMEOUT macro.

If you require the timeout to be disabled, it is recommended you disable it by default using setWireTimeout(0), even though that is currently the default.