Data Processing

Official libraries

  • Arduino_CRC32: Arduino library providing a simple interface to perform checksum calculations utilizing the CRC-32 algorithm.
  • Arduino_KNN: [BETA] Arduino library for the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm.
  • Madgwick: Helpers for MadgwickAHRS algorithm
  • USBBlaster: USB Blaster emulation for Arduino boards
  • VidorGraphics: Provides graphical functionalities on MKR Vidor 4000
  • VidorPeripherals: Provides extended IO functionalities and interfaces

Contributed by the community

  • AceCRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithms: crc8, crc16ccitt, crc16modbus, crc32.
  • AceSorting: Various sorting algorithms for Arduino, including Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort (3 versions), Comb Sort (4 versions), Quick Sort (3 versions).
  • AcksenUtils: Arduino utility library with miscellaneous functions.
  • Adafruit MP3: mp3 decoder
  • Adafruit nRFCrypto: Arduino Cryptography library using hardware-accelerated ARM CryptoCell CC310 on nRF52-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules
  • Adafruit TensorFlow Lite: This is a library to abstract away TensorFlow Lite for Adafruit/Arcada boards
  • Adafruit WavePlayer Library: Helper library for wrangling Wave files
  • AdaptiveMapping: A library that makes it easier to map inputs to a range.
  • ADCDRP: Arduino library for ADC data analysis.
  • AES_CMAC: AES-CMAC library
  • AESLib: AES encryption
  • AIfES for Arduino: The stand alone TinyML solution for self learning smart sensors, systems and almost any Arduino board.
  • AioP13: Another implementation of G3RUHs PLAN-13 for satellite and sun prediction.
  • AISwitch: Switch actions and functions based on parameters
  • alarm: Alarms implementation for Arduino.
  • AlmostRandom: AlmostRandom generates random number from a few entropy sources within the Arduino.
  • Angle: Library to convert between floating point angle to minutes hours representation.
  • AngleConvertor: Library to convert between different less known angle formats.
  • Anomalia: Arduino library for data processing anomalies.
  • Approxy: Library approximating arrays of data
  • ardubson: Arduino Library for BSON (Binary JSON)
  • Arduino POST HTTP Parser: A library that allows for easy parsing of POST packages.
  • arduinoFFT: A library for implementing floating point Fast Fourier Transform calculations on the Arduino framework.
  • ArduinoJson: A simple and efficient JSON library for embedded C++.
  • ArduinoQueue: Queue Library
  • ArduTFLite: TensorFlow Lite Micro library in Arduino style.
  • ArgParse: A library for splitting a string with arguments into an array.
  • ArrayExt: Expand the array and set the average value for front, back, left and right.
  • ArrayList: A templated class for creating dynamic or fixed size arrays. Based off of Java's ArrayList class.
  • ArrbotMonitor: Plotter-friendly display macros.
  • ArxStringUtils: Arduino String utilities
  • atlas OEM module: Basic function to accessing atlas OEM module.
  • AtomicWeight: Arduino library for atomic weights, calculate massPercentage of elements in a formula.
  • autorequest: Autorequests implementation for Arduino.
  • AverageAngle: Arduino library to calculate correctly the average of multiple angles.
  • AverageValue: Calculates the average value of some values.
  • Bang: Use the command line interface of your host machine as a 'Service' for your Arduino!
  • BasicLinkedList: A templated class for creating dynamic Linked Lists. A Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node in the list.
  • BasicTag: Functional C Library for abstracting variables as tags.
  • BaudotCode: Easily encode and decode ITA-2 5 bit Baudot code for for RTTY on Arduino
  • BitArray: Arduino library for compact array of objects with a size expressed in bits.
  • BitBool: The ultimate bit manipulation tool.
  • BitPack: Library for packing bit flags into byte array
  • bits_asukiaaa: A library to handle bits or bytes.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Airdata Calculations: Airdata library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Circular Buffer: Circular buffer library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Eigen: Eigen Matrix Math Library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Filter: Filter library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Imap: Float to integer mapping.
  • Bolder Flight Systems LEB128: LEB128 library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Polytools: Polynomial fitting and evaluation.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Statistics: Stats library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems ULEB128: ULEB128 library.
  • Bolder Flight Systems Unit Conversions: Unit conversion library.
  • Boodskap Message library: Arduino library for sending sensor messages to Boodskap IoT Platform
  • BoolArray: Arduino library for compact array of booleans of max size 2000 (UNO).
  • bosejis_AMV: The AMV Protocol Implementation
  • bosejis_Bin: Bosejis Bin Library
  • bosejis_PString: Print to String Library
  • bosejis_Types: Generic Type to Value Conversion Library.
  • BufferUtils: An Arduino library for working with Buffers.
  • CalibratedSpeed: Arduino Library for calibrating DC motors
  • Cardinal: An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings (like North, South, East, and West).
  • CCIR476: Encode and Decode CCIR476 symbols for SITOR / AMTOR based messages on Arduino
  • ChatGPTuino: Arduino library for making API calls to OpenAI's chatGPT.
  • Chirale_TensorFLowLite: Allows you to run machine learning models locally on all Arduino boards with mbed or ESP32 architecture.
  • CipherCode: Library with functions to encode texts
  • Clap: Library for clap recognition and counting
  • cmd: A serial command line interface with buffer editing.
  • CmdParser: A simple and most powerfull cmd parser with small memory footprint
  • Cojson: Zero-effort JSON reading and writing on Arduino platforms,
  • Commander-API: This library can be used to create a simple command parser.
  • Complex: Arduino library for Complex math.
  • ConsentiumThingsDalton: Consentium Dalton board IoT.
  • Coordinates: Allow easy and reliable conversion between cartesian and polar coordinate system.
  • Correlation: Arduino Library to determine correlation between X and Y dataset
  • CountDown: Arduino library to implement a CountDown clock in SW.
  • CppPotpourri: An architecture-agnostic package of discrete solutions to common problems in C++.
  • CRC: Library for CRC for Arduino
  • CRC32: An Arduino library for calculating a CRC32 checksum.
  • crc_asukiaaa: A library of functions about crc.
  • CRCx: CRC calculation for Arduino and other C++ programs
  • CRT: Bunch of CRT functions for LEDs
  • Crystal C Interpreter: This is a C++ interpreter developed based on ArduinoSTL, which supports almost all C++ keywords (excluding for) and can be used as a basic operating system on the avr development board.
  • CSV Parser: CSV Parser for Arduino.
  • currency: Arduino library to help formatting integers as currency e.g. $ 1.000.000,00.
  • CurveFitting: Fits polynomial curves to given datapoints
  • CustomJWT: A library to make it easy to encode and decode JWT tokens on the Arduino platform.
  • Dashboard IoT: Library for Dashboard IoT Platform by Nusabot.
  • DataSeriesPod: A simple Arduino data logging library
  • DataTome: Moving Average and other statistical functions compatible with any number type.
  • DateTimeFunctions: Collection of date & time functions. Check, Convert, Get, Clock & Date.
  • dateTimeHelpers: Arduino library with date and time helper functions.
  • deepC: Allows you to run machine learning models locally on arduino boards.
  • Deneyap Kart QRCodeReader: A library to read QR Codes using an Deneyap Kart with a camera module.
  • DEVFULL: Arduino library for a /dev/full stream
  • DEVNULL: Arduino library for a /dev/null stream
  • DEVRANDOM: Arduino library to wrap a random generator in a stream
  • DigitSeparator: Arduino library to separate digit value with marks and returns it as C string.
  • DistanceTable: Library for a memory efficient DistanceTable for Arduino.
  • diwa: Lightweight simple implementation of ANN for Arduino platform, PlayStation Portable SDK, and even Windows on AMD64.
  • DOC_CAT: Expanding the Arduino environment
  • DoubleLinkedList: A templated class for creating dynamic Double Linked Lists. A Double Linked List is a Linked List where each node points to the next node and the previous node.
  • DoublyLinkedList: An advanced library for managing lists.
  • DS PCA9536 Library: Arduino library for the PCA9536 I2C I/O expander.
  • DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE: DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
  • DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision: DSpotterSDK_Maker_NiclaVision provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
  • DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7: DSpotterSDK_Maker_PortentaH7 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Portenta H7, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
  • DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040: DSpotterSDK_Maker_RP2040 provides offline speech recognition function for developers on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, which can recognize trigger words and command words.
  • Easing: Easing function library for Arduino
  • Edge-fel: Feature extraction library for Arduino.
  • Eigen: Eigen (a C++ template library for linear algebra) for Arduino
  • ELi_McM_4_00: A library for using Microcontroller modules of E-LAGORi.
  • ellipse: Arduino library for ellipse class
  • EmbeddedSparkplugNode: Sparkplug B / Sparkplug 3 Edge Node Library.
  • EmotiBit ArduinoFilters: Filter library for Arduino.
  • enum_asukiaaa: A library to share enum on arduino.
  • Ephemeris: Arduino library for the calculation of ephemeris of the solar system with an Arduino Mega.
  • ESP32-targz: A library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
  • ESP32Dispatcher: Simple time-slice based task dispatcher
  • ESP32httpUpdate: Http Update for ESP32
  • esp8266-google-home-notifier: Send notifications to Google Home from esp8266/32.
  • esp8266-google-tts: generate the link to speech mp3 on esp8266/32.
  • ESP8266IoTHelper: Helper for ESP8266 that orchestrates WiFi connection and OTA updates
  • ESP_TF: Tensorflow micro for esp32 with esp nn support
  • Etherkit JTEncode: Generate JT65, JT9, JT4, FT8, WSPR, and FSQ symbols on your Arduino.
  • Etherkit Morse: Generate Morse Code for transmission on an digital I/O pin.
  • EventSystem: Event based system that monitor variables and fire event when the variable change.
  • EWMA: Exponentially Weighted Moving Average filter used for smoothing data series readings.
  • ExponentMap: Generates an exponentially growing array based on provided number of steps and maximum value.
  • EzDmaHelper: Buffer management helper for use with EasyDMA-enabled hardware. MIT License.
  • Fabrik2D: A library for fast solving of inverse kinematics using the FABRIK algorithm.
  • Fast4ier: An FFT and IFFT library.
  • fast_math: Arduino library for fast math algorithms
  • FastCRC: Fast CRC routines
  • FastMap: Library with fast map function for Arduino.
  • FastTrig: Arduino library with interpolated lookup for sin(), cos(), tan(), atan2() and more.
  • FFT_C: FFT library in C
  • Filter Easy: A collection of easy-to-use digital filters
  • Filters: Filter utilities for Arduino
  • FIR filter: FIR filter library for the Arduino.
  • fix_fft: A library for implementing fixed-point in-place Fast Fourier Transform on Arduino. It sacrifices precision and instead it is way faster than floating-point implementations.
  • fixed: Implementation of fixed poind calculations
  • FixedPoint_LUT: Use FixedPoint_LUT to replace highly runtime intensive calculation times
  • FixedPoints: A template library for defining fixed point types of varying sizes.
  • FixMath: Fixed Point Arithmetics for Arduino and others
  • FLE: Arduino library for FLE = FLoat with Error datatype
  • float16: Arduino library to implement float16 data type.
  • float16ext: Arduino library to implement float16ext data type.
  • FloatArrayManager: A library to simplify averaging a moving window of values.
  • FloatToAscii: Fast and small single precision float to string conversion.
  • floatToString: Provides a function to convert a float to a string with a specified number of digits after decimal.
  • Forecaster: Weather forecasting with Zambretti algorithm
  • fp64lib: Handcrafted 64-bit floating point routines for AVR/arduino microprocessors.
  • Fraction: Arduino library to implement a Fraction datatype.
  • FunctionGenerator: Arduino library to generate wave forms (nummeric) for a DAC
  • Gauge_asukiaaa: It calculates value from sample values.
  • Gauss: Library for the Gauss probability math.
  • Gaussian: Gaussian math, Kalman Filters and Moving Averages made easy
  • ghostl: Lock-free queue; C++ coroutines; and a nano-sized C++ STL adapter for MCUs like ESP8266/ESP32.
  • gmp-ino: GNU Multiple Precision (GMP) Arithmetic Library for Arduino.
  • Goertzel: Tone decoding library based on the Goertzel algorithm
  • GParser: Fast library for parsing cstring into substrings, urlencode, unicode encode for Arduino
  • GRC_AI: A library supporting communication with GRC AI module
  • GSON: Light JSON parsing and assembling library for Arduino
  • GST: Arduino library for Golden Standard Test, confusion matrix.
  • GTL: Library with template tools (buffers, pointers)
  • GyverFIFO: Simple ring (circular, FIFO) buffer for Arduino
  • GyverFilters: Library with few filters for data processing
  • GyverLBUF: Simple linear buffer for Arduino
  • GyverPID: Fast library for PID regulating algorithm
  • GyverRelay: Library for relay regulation algorithm
  • Hamming: Library for pack and unpack data by Hamming algorithm
  • Hashtable: This library provides an easy and efficient way to create dynamic Hash Tables in Arduino projects. It supports various operations such as insert, remove, among others.
  • haversine: A library to find the distance and azimuth angle between two GPS cordinates based on haversine formula.
  • Histogram: Arduino library for creating histograms math.
  • iarduino Frequency: Библиотека для определения частоты на аналоговом входе.
  • iarduino_GPS_NMEA: Библиотека парсинга протокола NMEA.
  • iarduino_I2C_Software: Библиотека для работы с программной шиной I2C.
  • iarduino_KB: Библиотека для работы с матричными клавиатурами
  • iarduino_VpH: Библиотека для преобразования напряжения с щупа pH-метра в кислотность жидкости.
  • IEEE754tools: Fast helper functions for IEEE754 floats.
  • INA219: Arduino library for INA219 voltage, current and power sensor.
  • INA226: Arduino library for INA226 power sensor
  • INA228: Arduino library for INA228 voltage, current and power sensor.
  • INA236: Arduino library for INA236 current and power sensor.
  • INA3221_RT: Arduino library for the I2C INA3221 3 channel voltage and current sensor.
  • infiniteAverage: Experimental Arduino Library to calculate a high precision average of many samples
  • integer24: integer24 types uint24_t and int24_t for Arduino.
  • Interval: Arduino library for Interval data type.
  • Iobeam: Client library for using the iobeam cloud.
  • jm_crc-ccitt: jm_crc-ccitt CRC-CCITT Arduino Library.
  • JsmnStream: Reformatting of the Serge Zaitsev jsmn library to parse a JSON string one char at a time.
  • Json Streaming Parser: A very memory efficient library to parse (large) JSON objects on small devices
  • Json Streaming Parser 2: A character-by-character JSON parser to parse large JSON objects from HTTP or HTTPS on embedded devices.
  • json2asw: Reads json sf2 data from a file and converts it to a Teensy Audio Library AudioSynthWavetable::instrument_data object.
  • jsons: Read and write JSON documents as a stream.
  • Justina interpreter: Justina interpreter for Arduino 32 bit boards.
  • Kalman: Include Kalman filter to your Arduino projects
  • KickFFT: A library for implementing a discrete Fourier transform on an input data array.
  • KickFilters: A library for implementing a few basic filters including: high-pass, low-pass, notch, moving average filters, and median filters.
  • KickFiltersRT: A library for implementing a few basic real-time filters including: high-pass, low-pass, notch, etc.
  • KickMath: A library for performing a few simple mathematical calculations for use with arrays.
  • Kinematics: Kinematics library for robotics
  • kMeans: k-Means Arduino library - Unsupervised machine learning clustering method of vector quantization.
  • Knock Detector: A non-blocking knock detection library to use with piezo elements
  • Kurtosis: Arduino library for calculating skewness and kurtosis of a dataset.
  • lazyjson: Lazy JSON parser for embedded systems
  • LibYxml: Yoran Heling's yxml library.
  • LineFormatter: Wrapper class for Stream e.g. Serial to enhance layout of tabular data.
  • LinkedList: A fully implemented LinkedList made to work with Arduino projects
  • LinkedPointerList: Light-weight implementation of LinkedList library, that is now stripped down to bare minimum, making it appropriate for use in memory-critical environments.
  • LiteOSCParser: A lightweight OSC processing library.
  • Logistic: Arduino library to explore the logistic formula. (chaos, bifurcation)
  • LoRa Serialization: Library for serialization of data on the Arduino side and deserialization in the TTN
  • LoRandom: A library using Semtech's sx1276/7/8/9's `RegRssiWideband` register properly to generate random numbers.
  • LTC2991: Arduino library for LTC2991 temperature and voltage control IC
  • LUHN: Arduino Library for calculating LUHN checksum.
  • M62429: Arduino library for M62429 volume control IC
  • MacroLogger: Arduino logger with support for preprocessor directives and standard C/C++ string formatting.
  • Mahony: Helpers for MahonyAHRS algorithm
  • Maidenhead: Library for converting between latitude/longitude and Maidenhead locators.
  • map2bits: Arduino library for mapping a float to a number of bits.
  • map2colour: Arduino library for mapping a float to colour spectrum
  • MatrixMath: Minimal linear algebra library
  • MBEDSpeech: Arduino library for running speech recognition machine learning models
  • MD_Menu: Library for displaying and managing menus on displays with with up to 2 lines.
  • MD_MIDIFile: Arduino Standard MIDI File (SMF) Player
  • MD_TTT: Tic-Tac-Toe game logic library
  • MD_YX5300: Library for Serial MP3 Player (Catalex YX5300 module)
  • mdif: Minimal Data Image Format (MDIF) is a lightweight image format with minimal data structure and integration with Diwa in mind that balances both simplicity and functionality.
  • MeanAndVarOnTheFly: Calculate mean and variance not storing individual values in memory.
  • MedianFilterLib2: Median Filter Library 2
  • Melody: Melody offers a simple an powerful music text notation called MELO.
  • MeteoFunctions: Collection of meteo functions
  • MicroFlow: Export and run tensorflow models on arduino microcontrollers!
  • microlzw: Embeddable micro Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression library for strings.
  • MicrostepToLinear: Convert stepper motor microsteps to linear distance.
  • Mini QOI: A streaming QOI decoder, designed for embedded systems with very little RAM.
  • mini-ppm-info: Get PPM header information, relying only on enough data for the initial header
  • MinimalLinkedList: Minimal Linked List implementation for Arduino.
  • Ministache: Mustache template engine for Arduino and ESP32 - render HTML templates dynamically
  • MJScore: Mahjong score calculation library
  • moduloMap: Arduino library for modulo mapping
  • MonteCarloPi: MonteCarloPi is a library to benchmark Arduinos by estimating the value of pi.
  • Moving-Average: Moving Average Library for Arduino
  • MovingAveragePlus: Moving Average library compatible with any number type
  • movingAvg: A simple Arduino library for calculating moving averages.
  • MSMPLOTTER: A library that can plot on Serial Monitor.
  • msToString: Provides a function to convert a number of milliseconds into a string.
  • mString: Static lightweight analog of String class
  • MultiMap: Library for fast non-linear interpolation by means of two arrays.
  • MultivariateNormal: Arduino library for sampling from a multivariate normal distribution
  • munet: Modules for Wifi connectivity, NTP, OTA, MQTT on ESP32/ESP8266 compatible with muwerk scheduler, serial link for other platforms
  • Muwerk scheduler library: cooperative scheduler and mqtt-like communication queues
  • Muwerk ustd library: A minimal and highly portable micro-standard-library for arrays, queues and maps
  • MyKeywords: Define your own custom color-highlighted keywords for the Arduino IDE!
  • n2cmu: Feedforward Neural Network Coprocessing Microcontroller Unit (CPC via UART) for STM32F103C8T6 Bluepill Development Board written purely in TinyGo.
  • navduino: Arduino library for basic aerospace navigation functions
  • NColor: NColor Library.
  • NeumannCorrector: Arduino library for a NeumannCorrector. (randomizing streams of bits).
  • NeuralNetwork: Simple MLP Neural-Network Library.
  • Neurona: Artificial Neural Network architectures for Arduino
  • NFuncs: NFuncs library, dependency of other libs, useful functions.
  • NibbleArray: Library to implement a compact array of nibbles (4 bit).
  • NoveltyDetection: Detects Novelties/Outliers using Support Vector Machine
  • OPTIGA Trust M: This library allows you to communicate with Optiga Trust M Security Controller
  • OPTIGATrustX: This library allows you to communicate with OPTIGA™ Trust X Products.
  • Oversampling: Improving ADC Resolution By Oversampling Averaging.
  • OVS: Simple Arduino library for oversampling ADC and other data
  • Pairs: Text pair:value representation for dynamic data
  • palindrome: Palindrome library
  • PCR: Arduino library for PCR process control.
  • Picovoice_AR: Picovoice for Arabic language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_DE: Picovoice for German language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_EN: Picovoice for English language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_ES: Picovoice for Spanish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_FA: Picovoice for Farsi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_FR: Picovoice for French language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_HI: Picovoice for Hindi language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_IT: Picovoice for Italian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_JA: Picovoice for Japanese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_KO: Picovoice for Korean language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_NL: Picovoice for Dutch language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_PL: Picovoice for Polish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_PT: Picovoice for Portuguese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_RU: Picovoice for Russian language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_SV: Picovoice for Swedish language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_VN: Picovoice for Vietnamese language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • Picovoice_ZH: Picovoice for Mandarin language. Picovoice is an end-to-end platform for building voice products on your terms.
  • PID_RT: Arduino PID library
  • Plotter: An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication.
  • plotutils: 2-D vector graphics composition library
  • Polyline: Encode latitude/longitude coordinates to a Polyline string.
  • Porcupine_AR: Porcupine for Arabic language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_DE: Porcupine for German language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_EN: Porcupine for English language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_ES: Porcupine for Spanish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_FA: Porcupine for Farsi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_FR: Porcupine for French language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_HI: Porcupine for Hindi language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_IT: Porcupine for Italian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_JA: Porcupine for Japanese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_KO: Porcupine for Korean language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_NL: Porcupine for Dutch language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_PL: Porcupine for Polish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_PT: Porcupine for Portuguese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_RU: Porcupine for Russian language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_SV: Porcupine for Swedish language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_VN: Porcupine for Vietnamese language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Porcupine_ZH: Porcupine for Mandarin language. Porcupine is a highly-accurate and lightweight wake word engine.
  • Prandom: Arduino library for random number generation with Python random interface.
  • PreferencesCLI: Arduino library to allow access to the Preferences library via the SimpleCLI library.
  • PrintCharArray: Library to capture prints into a char array.
  • PrintSize: Library to determine size of a printed variable.
  • PrintString: Library to capture prints into a String.
  • pRNG: Pseudo-random number generator
  • protectedAES: AES library with protection against Side Channel Attacks.
  • pseudospectrum: A library that adds spectrum data to a pseudospectrum (additive) using linear interpolation
  • Psychrometer: Library for psychrometer - read humidity from two thermometers
  • QList: Library implements linked lists
  • QubitroMqttClient: (BETA) Easily connect to Qubitro IoT Platform with customized MQTT methods.
  • Queuetue Digital Balance Library: A library of functions to build a digital balance
  • QuickStats: Descriptive Statistics for Arduino
  • Ramp: A library that manage interpolation beetween values.
  • Random16: Fast 16 bit random number generator
  • randomHelpers: Arduino library with helper function for faster random bits
  • RBD_Threshold: Set and check numeric quantile scales.
  • Reefwing_imuTypes: common structs and enums used by the Reefwing IMU Libraries.
  • ReefwingAHRS: Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS) used in the Reefwing Flight Controller.
  • ReefwingFilter: A collection of filters & noise generators used in the Reefwing Flight Controller.
  • Regression: Easy-to-use Statistical Regressions.
  • RGBProgress: Calculate an RGB color according to a progression.
  • rotaryDecoder: Arduino library for rotary decoder with a PCF8574.
  • rotaryDecoderSwitch: Arduino library for rotary decoder + switch with a PCF8574.
  • RTT QRCode: RT-Thread QR Code App
  • RunAvgWeight: Running Average with weight of N elements.
  • runningAngle: Library to average angles by means of low pass filtering with wrapping.
  • RunningAverage: The library stores the last N individual values in a circular buffer to calculate the running average.
  • RunningMedian: The library stores the last N individual values in a buffer to select the median.
  • RunningStats: It computes simple running statistics.
  • SafeString: A Safe, Static String library to replace Arduino String, plus non-blocking Serial I/O, I/O buffering, loopTimer and millisDelay
  • SavitzkyGolayFilter: Savitzky-Golay Filtering Algorithm
  • SavLayFilter: Savitzky-Golay Filtering Algorithm
  • SDList: A Simple ArrayList Implementation that saves memory by dumping contents into an SD Card.
  • SerialCommands: An Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
  • SerialTuning: Tune variables without a sweat.
  • Serie: A library for mesures that makes easy to use time series
  • SET: Arduino library to implement simple SET datastructure.
  • sf22aswt: Lazy loading a Soundfont2 sf2 file that can then be converted into a object, that can then be used with Teensy AudioSynthWavetable. Latest release uses automatic use of extmem if available, and also have early check if available ram is sufficient.
  • SHEX: Arduino library to generate hex dump over Serial
  • SimpleCLI: A Command Line Interface Library for Arduino
  • SimpleFilter: A denoising library which can be used in raw anolog data process like touch screen input.
  • SimpleFusion: Simple IMU fusion with a complementary filter.
  • SimpleHOTP: A lightweight HOTP (HMAC - Based one Time Password) Generator for Arduino.
  • SimpleKalmanFilter: A simple implementation of Kalman Filter.
  • SimpleProperties: This library provides an easy and efficient way to create and save "Properties". This Library is built on the Hashtable Library, and Mimicks the Java Properties Class.
  • SimpleVector: A Templated Library for creating dynamic arrays in Arduino projects. It's purpose is meant to be used for Number types, but can be used for any type though it is not recommended as it has not been tested on other types.
  • Sitron Labs TIC Arduino Library: Arduino library for parsing consumer-side data provided by electricity meters in France.
  • SkyMap: The SkyMap library allows you to calculate the positions of stars and planets in the sky.
  • slowAES: slowAES bypass the test cookie with nodeMcu
  • smart-input-filter: A stable, unit-tested filter library
  • SmartPin: Construct easy to follow semantic expressions using variables that represent the pins
  • Smooth: Keep smooth running averages without using arrays! The sample size is adjustable at runtime.
  • Smoothed: A simple library to store and calculate smoothed values from sensors.
  • SoftFilters: Arduino framework and library of software data filters.
  • SparseArray: Arduino library for sparse arrays of floats.
  • SparseMatrix: Arduino library for sparse matrices.
  • SPC: A library for easy processing of Analog Signals
  • SpritzCipher: Spritz library for Arduino, CSPRNG, cryptographic hash and MAC functions, symmetric-key data encryption, and some general-purpose functions.
  • SRF05: Arduino library for SRF05 distance sensor
  • SSVWaitForStringInStream: Simple class to compare coming characters one by one, on the fly, from any stream, and compare it with predefined string constants.
  • Stack: Dynamic/static array buffer for any data type with handy functions
  • StackString: This library was written to accommodate a need for a string class but without the (memory) disadvantages that regular std::string brings.
  • statHelpers: Arduino library with a number of statistic helper functions.
  • StaticSerialCommands: An Arduino library for parsing commands received over a serial port.
  • Statistic: Library with basic statistical functions for Arduino.
  • Statistical: Statistic, Sum, Max, Min, Sq_Sum, Arithmetic Average, Geometric Average, RMS Average, Ext RMS Average, Bubble Sort, Median, Standard Deviation, Standard Deviation Error, Coefficient Factor, Average, Stream, Regression, Slope, Data, Analyse
  • StreamAverage: Library for averaging without having huge data Buffers consuming all your memory.
  • StreamIO: Read/write wrapper for Stream and array buffers
  • StringAction: Introduces string operations and Serial reading
  • Stringcalculater: Arduino library to calculate a stirng.
  • StringLib: Efficient string building and reading for Arduino applications.
  • StringSplitter: Arduino String Splitter Library
  • StringUtils: Bunch of converting functions for string data
  • SunPosition: Library for tracking Sun position by location and time for Arduino
  • Tachometer: Library for frequency and period measurement
  • TCXWriter: A Tiny Library for writing/creating TCX files.
  • Temperature: Library with weather and temperature conversion functions.
  • TensorFlowLite_ESP32: Allows you to run machine learning models locally on your ESP32 device.
  • textparser: Line based text parser.
  • TGP Decodeur: Permet de décoder les messages provenant d'un objet de type Stream (tel que Serial), selon un format standard.
  • TheengsDecoder: A simple, efficient, portable and lightweight library for Internet of Things messages decoding.
  • TimedPID: PID controller
  • TimeRandom: Library for generating random numbers with time syncronization
  • timestamp32bits: A library for calculating UNIX-like timestamps for dates AFTER January 1, 1970 or January 1 of whichever year is selected as EPOCH.
  • timing: Arduino library with wrapper classes for seconds, millis and micros.
  • tinyCore: A mechanism to easily describe multi-core (esp32/Arduino).
  • TinyDecisionTreeClassifier: TinyDecisionTreeClassifier is a simple but elegant standalone library for training decision trees directly on the edge.
  • TinyMatrixMath: Implments common matrix math operations for small matrices.
  • TinyXML: Fork of Adam Rudd's (adamvr) TinyXML library.
  • TOPMAX: Arduino library to track top n maxima.
  • TOPMIN: Arduino library to track top n minima.
  • TR064: Arduino/ESP library for the TR-064 SOAP protocol
  • Transform: A library for implementing all integer signal transofrms.
  • TrigDef: A look-up table for trig functions.
  • TrivialKalmanFilter: Trivial Kalman Filter.
  • Troolean: Arduino Library for a three state logic data type
  • TrueProx: Arduino library for high accuracy presence detection using analog proximity sensors.
  • ttestTable: Definition file for t-Tesst alpha level look-up tables for different degrees of freedom.
  • Tween: Tween library for Arduino with Robert Penners easing functions
  • uBitcoin: Brings Bitcoin to embedded devices
  • uCRC16BPBLib: Tiny and cross-device compatible CCITT CRC16 Bit Per Bit or Byte Per Byte calculator library - uCRC16BPBLib
  • uCRC16Lib: Tiny and cross-device compatible CCITT CRC16 calculator library - uCRC16Lib
  • uCRC16XModemLib: Tiny and cross-device compatible CRC16 XModem calculator library compatible - uCRC16XModemLib
  • uMFMLib: Tiny lib to enode and decode FM and MFM data streams
  • uNeurai: Brings Neurai to embedded devices
  • UnorderedMap: A Wrapper Library that is built on the Hashtable Library. The Eventual plan is to add more functionality to the library.
  • unzipLIB: A library to extract files from ZIP archives
  • URLCode: Decode and Encode URL.
  • UrlEncode: Simple URL encoder (also known as percent encoding)
  • UTF8ToGB2312: A library that converts UTF-8 string to GB2312 string.
  • VectorXf: Vector class 2f, 3f, 4f (port of ofVecXf (openFrameworks))
  • VolAnalyzer: Library for sound amplitude analysis
  • WaveMix: Arduino library to mix two signals (A and B) with an adaptive weight.
  • weathercall: An efficient openweather data caller.
  • WinkelICT Tiny AT Command Parser: 0 RAM Hayes AT Command Parser by reference, fast, thoroughly tested, for both Bluetooth and GSM commands.
  • XboxSeriesXHIDReportBuilder_asukiaaa: Report builder of HID for Xbox SeriesX Controller.
  • XLR8DigitalIO: Arduino library for access to the extra pins available on an XLR8 Snō.
  • XLR8Float: Arduino library for hardware accelerated floating point math.
  • XLR8PID: Arduino library for hardware accelerated PID control.
  • XLR8Quadrature: Arduino library for hardware accelerated quadrature encoder control.
  • XMLWriter: Arduino library for creating XML
  • XTEA-Cipher: XTEA-Cipher library for Arduino. cryptographic MAC function, symmetric-key data encryption/decryption
  • XxHash_arduino: xxHash library for arduino (NEW V2 API).
  • XYZgeomag: Calculate the magnetic field on earth using the World Magnetic Model(WMM).
  • YAMLDuino: A simple and efficient YAML library for embedded C++
  • YX5300 for ESP32: A library to support the YX5300 MP3 Module on the ESP32 platform.
  • ZikoMatrix: A Matrix library
  • zlib_turbo: A library to inflate deflated data and unpack gzip files