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Section Title [h2]

Paragraph Title [h3]

Sub-paragraph Title [h4]

This is normal <p> text
This is bold <strong> text
This is italic <em> text
This is bold+italic <strong><em> text
This is small <span class="small"> text
This is highlighted <mark> text
‘This is single quoted text’
“This is double quoted text”

  • This

  • is

    • an

      • unordered

  • list

  1. This

  2. is

    1. a

    2. n

      1. orde

      2. red

  3. list

This is code in a sentence
This is a whole line of code

This can be a lot more code

for (int i = 0; i <= 99; i++) {
  Serial.println('We want more code!');

Name of Column 1 Name of Column 2 Name of Column 3

Cell in column 1, row 1

Cell in column 2, row 1

Cell in column 3, row 1

Cell in column 1, row 2

Cell in column 2, row 2

Cell in column 3, row 2

Cell in column 1, row 3

Cell in column 2, row 3

Cell in column 3, row 3

This is a block image with a URL

A000066 featured 2

This is an image saved in the attachments folder with a caption

ArduinoUno R3 Front 450px
A beautiful Arduino UNO

This is a pretty embed of code from Gist

And this is another of a video from YouTube

And here some slides from Sideshare, yay!

Introduction to Arduino from David Mellis

And this is some audio from SoundCloud