The Engineering Kit gives students a strong understanding of basic engineering concepts through projects that create a fun and collaborative learning environment.
Students are able to connect what they learn with real-world industries, are encouraged to think critically, and deepen their knowledge through experimentation.
Each kit includes all necessary hardware, online learning content, software, and support.

The kit includes all the necessary hardware and physical components for up to three students, including one Nano 33 IoT board, a Nano Motor Carrier with IMU and battery charger, battery, motors, webcam, and more.
All components are packed into a durable, stackable toolbox ideal for storage and years of use.

The kit includes access to an online platform with 3 lessons and 3 comprehensive projects - Drawing Robot, Webcam-controlled Rover and Self-Balancing Motorcycle.
Online content includes step-by-step guidance, allowing students to collaborate in small groups or learn remotely, and can be tailored by educators for a variety of curriculums.
All learning materials are developed by the Arduino Education team in collaboration with MathWorks®.

Students get prepared for real-life environments, and learn to use the same tools as industry professionals.
The Arduino Engineering Kit covers the key concepts of MATLAB® and Simulink programming, including model-based design, control systems, image & signal processing, and more.
Each kit includes a one year individual trial license for MATLAB® and Simulink.

All our education kits come with access to dedicated assistance from the Arduino support team, which is ready to help with troubleshooting, purchases, classroom management or platform-related questions.
What engineering concepts are covered in the lessons?
The kit covers an introduction to mechatronics (DC motors, servos, encoders, motor drivers, PWM signals, etc), model based design, control theory - PD control, image and signal processing, data visualization and analysis, applied physics and mathematics, text-based programming with MATLAB®, and visual programming with Simulink.
What other materials would I need to use the kit?
All the electronics and learning materials are included in the kit. You will only need a computer running Windows 7 or higher, Linux®, and MacOS with a USB port, and access to the internet.
You will also be required to install the Arduino IDE to your computer in order to program the Arduino boards, as well as MATLAB® and Simulink (a one year trial license is included with the kit).
Which languages does the online platform support?
The Arduino Engineering Kit online platform is currently available in English and Spanish. More languages will be added soon!
Contact our support team for more information on specific languages.
How do I access the online content?
Each kit comes with a unique activation code, stored under the lid of the packaging. When getting started with the kit, you will be asked to activate it by going to, clicking on “register kit”, entering your activation code and creating an Arduino account.
Once the kit is activated, you can access all the online content by logging in to the platform with your Arduino account, and grant access to your students or colleagues.
To get your own Engineering Kit, visit our online store or find an official educational distributor near you.