Societal Benefits of the IoT

Modern society is becoming more interconnected and automated, approaching what some futurists call the “technological singularity”.

This means that society’s dependence on technology, including the Internet of Things, or IoT, is becoming more pronounced. It impacts society in terms of health, productivity and day-to-day conveniences… and also in terms of education.

What are the benefits of IoT in society?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has had a significant impact on society in several ways:

  1. Improved efficiency: The IoT has made it possible to automate processes and connect devices, leading to increased efficiency in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare.
  2. Enhanced convenience: IoT has made it possible for people to remotely control devices such as thermostats, lighting, and security systems, making their lives more convenient.
  3. Better health outcomes: IoT has enabled the creation of wearable devices that monitor vital signs and provide real-time data to healthcare professionals, helping them to provide better care.
  4. Enhanced safety and security: IoT can help monitor and respond to emergency situations more quickly and effectively, improving public safety. For example, smart home security systems can provide remote monitoring and control, while smart city technology can detect and respond to natural disasters, traffic congestion, and other emergencies.
  5. Environmental benefits: IoT can help reduce waste and conserve energy by optimizing resource utilization and reducing emissions. For example, smart home technology can reduce energy usage and smart city technology can optimize public transportation, reducing traffic and air pollution.
  6. New business opportunities: IoT has created new business opportunities in areas such as smart homes, wearable technology, and industrial automation, leading to job creation and economic growth.

What impact will IoT have in the economy?

The impact of the Internet of Things on the economy is expected to be significant. Here are some of the ways in which IoT is likely to affect the economy:

Job creation

The development and deployment of IoT technology is expected to create new job opportunities in areas such as software development, data analysis, and engineering.

Increased productivity

IoT can help businesses optimize their operations and reduce waste, leading to increased productivity and profitability.

New business models

IoT can enable businesses to develop new products and services, such as smart home devices, wearable technology, and connected cars.

Improved customer experience

IoT can help businesses improve their customer experience by providing personalized and convenient services, such as remote monitoring and control of devices.

Cost savings

IoT can help businesses reduce their costs by improving their supply chain management, reducing downtime, and optimizing their energy usage.

New revenue streams

IoT can create new revenue streams for businesses by enabling them to sell data collected from connected devices to other businesses, such as insurance companies.

How can IoT benefit society in smart cities?

Smart cities such as Oslo, Singapore, New York, London, and Copenhagen are the models of the cities in the near future.

In a few decades from now, all major cities in the world are likely to integrate IoT systems for the convenience and security of their inhabitants and visitors. The major areas wherein society can benefit from IoT in smart cities are the following:

  • Healthcare system - people can wear bracelets with sensors that continually monitor their vital signs and overall health. The data can be stored in central servers of hospitals and clinics. For example, ambulances can be automatically dispatched if a person experiences a heart attack.
  • Traffic management - sensors can be installed on the roads, streets, avenues, and sidewalks that can monitor vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Notifications can be sent to citizens to plan their routes.
  • Urban planning - a centralized database of infrastructure developments and housing permits can help city authorities to efficiently manage land use and resource allocations such as water supply. This could help in the sustainable development of cities.
  • Security monitoring - CCTVs are now very common in public places. They help in deterring and solving crimes.
  • Commerce and trade - growth, development, and operations of local businesses can significantly be improved in terms of public visibility and customer transactions.
  • Tourism - augmented reality guided tours can be included as part of tourist attractions in smart cities. Tourists and visitors can easily find establishments and interesting spots in the city.

Where is IoT going in the future?

As with any new technology, the IoT poses challenges in terms of privacy, security, and regulation that need to be addressed.

However, its future is full of exciting possibilities. Here are some developments that are likely to shape our future when it comes to the IoT:

Edge Computing

Edge computing is all about processing data closer to the source of the data. This means you both reduce delays and increase speed. This technology is becoming increasingly important in the IoT space, as it enables devices to process and respond to data in real-time.

AI and Machine Learning

As IoT devices collect more and more data, AI and machine learning algorithms will become increasingly important in analyzing that data and making intelligent decisions based on it.

5G Networks

The rollout of 5G networks will probably greatly boost what IoT devices can do, and will enable them to transfer data more quickly and reliably.


As the IoT ecosystem becomes more complex, there is a growing need for standardization to ensure interoperability between different devices and platforms.

Security and Privacy

As the number of IoT devices grows, so does the risk of security breaches and privacy violations. The development of secure and privacy-enhancing technologies will be critical to ensuring the success and sustainability of the IoT ecosystem.

Industrial IoT

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of IoT technology in industrial settings, such as factories and manufacturing plants. IIoT is likely to be a major growth area in the coming years, as it enables businesses to optimize their operations and increase efficiency.

Overall, the future of IoT is likely to be characterized by continued growth and innovation, with new technologies and use cases emerging as the ecosystem becomes more complex and sophisticated.


As we approach the so-called technological singularity, we face both hope and fear, threats and opportunities. The Internet of Things and its associated technologies such as artificial intelligence are likely to improve our lives in many ways, as it is doing now.

However, it is still up to us if we can tame our demons and use technology more wisely to attain sustainable development and true social progress. The IoT facilitates a more educated society. An educated society typically leads to better socioeconomic equity and more democratic power dynamics.

Are you an educator looking for IoT resources for high school? Take a look at Arduino Education’s Explore IoT Kit and how it can support your hands-on IoT lessons.