The ideal solution for emerging battery powered IoT edge applications
The ideal solution for emerging battery powered IoT edge applications

All of the MKR boards share a common pinout for developers to easily shift between wireless communication protocols with minimal software changes, and in a cost efficient manner.

MKR WiFi 1010
MKR WiFi 1010

The basics to build secure Wi-Fi® and Bluetooth® applications

MKR Wan 1310
MKR Wan 1310

Send data securely over LoRaWAN® with minimal power consumption

MKR NB 1500
MKR NB 1500

Implement inexpensive, large-coverage solutions over Narrowband IoT

MKR Vidor 4000
MKR Vidor 4000

Build FPGA-powered solutions connected via Wi-F®i or Bluetooth® Low Energy

MKR Relay Shield
MKR Relay Shield

Safe screw terminals for your sensors and relays to control high-voltage devices

MKR CAN Shield
MKR CAN Shield

Communicate over a CAN Bus and build Arduino-powered automotive solutions

MKR GPS Shield
MKR GPS Shield

Geolocate your device through GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo. Use directly on your MKR board or through a cable

MKR IMU Shield
MKR IMU Shield

Industry-rated 9-axis IMU sensor with extra I2C connector

MKR Therm Shield
MKR Therm Shield

Capture temperature information from type K and DS18Bxx thermocouples

MKR MEM Shield
MKR MEM Shield

Add Flash memory and microSD storage, implement OTA functionalities

MKR ENV Shield
MKR ENV Shield

Collect environmental data, such as temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and UV radiation

MKR RGB Shield
MKR RGB Shield

Visualize information through this RGB display

MKR ETH Shield
MKR ETH Shield

Connect your board to an Ethernet network and build servers and clients

MKR 485 Shield
MKR 485 Shield

Turn almost any legacy industrial system into an IoT device

MKR Motor Carrier
MKR Motor Carrier

Connect several motors and sensors for your mechatronics applications

MKR Connector Carrier
MKR Connector Carrier

Select among a long list of possible add-ons and easily plug them to any MKR board